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Teca 8

Sinclair ZX81

Prodotto da Sinclair Research tra il 1981 e il 1984, questo home computer fu il successore dello ZX80, ma non ebbe un grande successo commerciale. 


Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Commercializzato da Sinclair Research a partire dal 1982, questo home computer fu il principale rivale del Commodore 64.


Amstrad CPC 464

Computer a 8 bit prodotto da Amstrad a partire dal 1984, fu uno degli home computer più di successo in Europa. La sigla CPC stava per “Colour Personal Computer”.


Sinclair ZX Spectrum Plus

Prodotto da Sinclair Research Ltd nel 1984, è un home computer a basso costo che di fatto era un restyling dello ZX Spectrum.


Sinclair ZX Spectrum Plus 2

Versione a 48K dello ZX Spectrum commercializzata nel 1984, è stato il primo modello prodotto da Amstrad dopo aver acquisito Sinclair Electronics Ltd.


Sinclair ZX81

Produced by Sinclair Research between 1981 and 1984, this home computer succeeded the ZX80 but did not achieve significant commercial success.


Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Launched by Sinclair Research in 1982, this home computer was the primary competitor of the Commodore 64.


Amstrad CPC 464

An 8-bit computer produced by Amstrad starting in 1984, it became one of the most successful home computers in Europe. The acronym CPC stood for Colour Personal Computer.


Sinclair ZX Spectrum Plus

Produced by Sinclair Research Ltd in 1984, this low-cost home computer was essentially a redesigned version of the ZX Spectrum.


Sinclair ZX Spectrum Plus 2

A 48K version of the ZX Spectrum released in 1984, it was the first model produced by Amstrad after acquiring Sinclair Electronics Ltd.

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