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GAMM Game Museum: Carlo Pastore appointed Chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Board and International Ambassador

GAMM Game Museum is pleased to announce the appointment of Carlo Pastore as Chairperson of the GAMM Scientific Advisory Board. At the same time, Pastore will also assume the prestigious role of GAMM International Ambassador, with the goal of strengthening the dialogue between the museum and the international community.

The Scientific Advisory Board of GAMM Game Museum is a center of excellence dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of video game culture on a global scale. With his experience and dedication, Carlo Pastore will lead the board’s activities, contributing to the development of innovative strategies for promoting video games as a cultural and artistic heritage, while also fostering business networking and new collaboration opportunities.

As International Ambassador, Pastore will play a key role in expanding GAMM’s international network, fostering strategic collaborations among institutions, businesses, and industry professionals. His efforts will help establish the museum as a reference point for research, dissemination, and innovation in the video game world, creating synergies between the cultural, artistic, and entrepreneurial landscapes.

Beyond his career in the medical field as a medical director, Carlo Pastore is a prominent figure in video game research and education, with a particular focus on retrogaming. Author of numerous industry books, he has organized and promoted multiple events dedicated to the history and evolution of video games, contributing to the dissemination of video game culture in academic, educational, and professional spheres.

This appointment marks a significant step for GAMM Game Museum, strengthening our commitment to promoting video games as a form of cultural, historical, and artistic expression, while also recognizing the sector’s continuous growth and innovation. We are confident that Carlo Pastore’s expertise and vision will make a significant contribution to the growth and internationalization of our project.

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An immersive museum space dedicated to the interactive medium and the Games Industry, located in a unique venue in the heart of Rome.
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Il Museo del Videogioco di Roma è riconosciuto dalla Regione Lazio in base alle direttive MIC, inserito nel Registro dei Musei Regionali OMR con protocollo 324807 del 05/06/2014, è iscritto all’Anagrafe delle biblioteche italiane con il Codice ISIL: IT-RM2011 ed è membro di ICOM


Via delle Terme di Diocleziano, 35/36 Rome

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